State govt to implement major agropolitan project in Sri Aman

Abang Johari turning the handle of a tool to press the cendol through to make little strands as (from third left) Sharifah Hasidah, Abdul Wahap, Fadillah and others observed.

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, Jan 5: The Sarawak government has identified a piece of land spanning 2,000 acres in Sri Aman for the development of an agropolitan project to boost food production.

Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg revealed that the federal government had, through Council of Eminent Persons chairman Tun Daim Zainuddin, requested Sarawak to help sustain the food industry in the country.


“I have responded that we are willing and have identified 2,000 acres in Sri Aman to develop an agropolitan project,” he said at the opening of Fiesta Samariang in Kampung Lintang Jetty here today.

Towards this end, Deputy Chief Minister cum Minister of Agriculture Modernisation, Native Land and Regional Development Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas has been tasked to focus on adopting new methods, especially through technology and innovation, to expand the food production and supply sectors.

Abang Johari hitting the gong as a symbolic gesture to launch Fiesta Samariang. Also seen are (from, second from left) Abdul Wahap, Sharifah Hasidah and Fadillah.
The lively atmosphere at the Fiesta Samariang with the sale of food and drinks as well as other local products.

“This collaboration reflected that there is mutual understanding between the federal and state governments. We are friendly despite being from different political folds. We will cooperate for the benefit and betterment of our people.”

Emphasising a smart and fair way of governance and in accordance with the Constitution, Abang Johari reiterated: “We will agree with what is right and point out when there is a wrong without fear and favour.

“What is ours belong to us, what is theirs belonged to them and what’s to be shared, we will share. I will not take others’ rights and you cannot take our rights. In the Islamic way of life, it is sinful to take the things that belong to others.”

Stressing that the state government knew how to toe the line and would not go overboard in exercising and pursuing its rights in accordance with the Constitution, he added that collaboration was vital for both governments to carry out their duties respectively.

He then referred to the maintenance of federal roads, including grass cutting, as clearly the responsibility of the federal government and pushing the responsibility to the state government would be unfair.

“(Dato Sri) Fadillah (Yusof) knows well because when he was the Works Minister, such thing was taken care of.”

Earlier, Abang Johari highlighted there was a global opportunity in the food and agrobusiness, especially local food products produced from small villages in Sarawak, to reach the global market.

“The instant cendol (produced by Friendly Neighbourhood Area (KJM) of Kampung Sungai Bedil that was launched at the Fiesta today) can be developed to become the next big product for the global food industry, like Maggi instant noodle.”

The two-day Fiesta Samariang that started today was organised by Kuching North City Hall (DBKU) Friendly Neighbourhood Group for N7 Samariang and involved 10 KJM.

All kinds of activities and programmes to connect and strengthen the communities have been and will be carried out, including Samariang Walk, karaoke competition, mini sales, cooking competition, street soccer, colouring contest, flower arrangement, darts competition, health checks and mini exhibition participated by various government agencies.

Assistant Minister of Law, State-Federal Relations and Project Monitoring Sharifah Hasidah Sayeed Aman Ghazali, Petra Jaya MP Dato Sri Fadillah Yusof, DBKU mayor Datuk Abang Abdul Wahap Abang Julai and community leaders were among those present. — DayakDaily

