Sri Aman becomes Covid-19 red zone after logging 23 new cases overnight

Covid-19 ... Clusters cause spike in cases.

By Lian Cheng

KUCHING, Mar 19: Sri Aman district has become a Covid-19 red zone following a drastic increase of 23 new positive cases

As of today, Sri Aman has recorded a total of 49 cases consisting of local infections in the past 14 days, resulting in the district being categorised as a Covid-19 red zone by the State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC).


SDMC in today’s press statement explained that out of the 23 new Covid-19 cases, 15 were identified through active case detection. Infected individuals showed no symptoms.

The rest of the eight positive cases were the outcome of targeted screening carried out for those linked to the Semuja Immigration Depot cluster. These eight cases were classified as imported cases from Serian.

Following Sri Aman’s latest change in its Covid-19 status, the total number of red zones in Sarawak has swelled to 12.

Presently, three districts still maintain their orange status, 16 still remain as Covid-19 yellow zone while green zones have come down from double-digit to a single-digit of nine.

An area that registers 41 cases and above within 14 days is classified as Covid-19 red zone. If the cases are between 21 to 40 cases, the area will be termed as Covid-19 orange zone and between 1 to 20 case, yellow zone.

An area with zero Covid-19 cases is Covid-19 green zone or an area that is enjoying Covid-19 green status. -DayakDaily
