Specific body to be appointed to study forest carbon implementation soon

Composite photo shows (from left) Dr Simon, Lidam and Billy during the press conference.

By Nur Ashikin Louis

KUCHING, May 19: First-term elected representatives believe that the Sarawak government will establish a specific body to study the implementation of forest carbon activities following the passing of Forests (Amendment) Bill 2022.

Dr Simon Sinang Bada (PBB-Tebedu) said as the bill has just been passed, there are no definite answers on how the new policy will operate later.


“The Sarawak Cabinet will appoint a body to find out how best we can implement this carbon credit trading because it is monitored by United Nations.

“It cannot be done by any Tom, Dick and Harry to handle it. We trust that the GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) government today will be able to manage that aspect,” he told reporters during a press conference held at Sarawak Legislative Assembly (DUN) complex lobby today.

Meanwhile, Lidam Assan (PBB-Katibas) said the appointed body later will draw up the policies that come as operational part of the new law.

“However, as far as the policy is concerned, any forest that we conserve for carbon credit, definitely the land owner will benefit from it.

“Only how it is traded and through which party either at the State or national level, we have yet to know. But the registry will have to be developed by the State. Only then can we monetise and utilise the carbon credit,” he added.

Additionally, Billy Sujang (SUPP-Opar) when debating the bill earlier today said the new law will enable Sarawak to introduce carbon stock as one of its products as well as develop amenity forests for research and development, education and recreational purposes for eco-tourism, among others. – DayakDaily
