Sorry, no rooms for extremists, we’re Sarawakians — Awg Tengah

Awang Tengah (fifth right) in a group photo with the recipients of this year's annual donation from STIDC and its subsidiary companies. Also seen are Naroden (third right) and Len Talif (fourth left).

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, May 24: There is no place for extremism of any form in Sarawak, as harmonious living has always been the way of life for Sarawakians.

Highlighting this, Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan emphasised that Sarawakians must safeguard this genuine peace and harmony that had bound the people together.


“We have lived together in peace and harmony because these values have long been infused in our culture and have become our way of life,” he said at a ceremony to present annual donations to charitable and non-profit organisations by Sarawak Timber Industry Development Corporation (STIDC) and its subsidiary companies in conjunction with Ramadhan.

“That is why are able to enjoy working together and helping others, especially those in need, in our community, regardless of differences.”

Awang Tengah greeting the attendees after the presentation of donations ceremony.

Awang Tengah, who is also Second Minister of Urban Development and Natural Resources, pointed out that the diverse communities in Sarawak had never failed to come together and enjoy the various festive celebrations and events.

“As such, all forms of extremisms have no place in Sarawak, be it religious or any other forms. We are people who love peace, and we must protect our peace and harmony,” he emphasised.

Meanwhile, STIDC and its subsidiary companies contributed financial aid totalling RM289,000 to 63 charitable and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) this year.

Awang Tengah urged more organisations and corporate bodies to come forward to help those in need and contribute to the well being of the people.

Assistant Minister of E-Commerce Datuk Naroden Majais, Assistant Minister of Urban Planning, Land Administration and Environment Datu Len Talif Salleh, permanent secretary to the Ministry Datu Wan Lizozman Wan Omar, STIDC general manager Hashim Bojet and Sarawak Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Husain were present. — DayakDaily
