Soo supports NGO’s call to replace ‘father’ with ‘parent’ in Federal Constitution

Lina Soo (file photo)

KUCHING, Aug 11: Sarawak People’s Aspiration Party (Aspirasi) president Lina Soo has voiced support for Sarawak Women for Women Society’s (SWWS) call for the word ‘father’ to be replaced with ‘parent’ in the Federal Constitution.

She said the recent decision by the Court of Appeal which overturned a High Court ruling that overseas-born children of Malaysian women married to foreigners cannot become Malaysian citizens is discrimination not only to women, but to the children.

“This is grossly unfair to the children who seek a place to call home and to belong in the birthplace of their mothers.


“Our Federal Constitution ensures equality and justice for both Malaysian men and women. To deny Malaysian women the same rights as accorded to Malaysian men to automatically pass on their citizenship to their children born overseas is illogical, pervasive and degrading to the rights and dignity of Malaysian mothers,” she said in a statement today.

Soo said all it requires is a legislative amendment in Parliament to replace the word ‘father’ with ‘parent’ to regularize and bring into conformity Article 8(2) of the Federal Constitution which stipulates that there shall be no discrimination in Malaysian law on grounds of gender.

“Malaysian law must be consistent, with no room for ambiguity and irregularity,” she added.

On Aug 9, SWWS implored all political parties to swiftly support the amending the word ‘father’ to ‘parent’ in the Federal Constitution to ensure gender equality. — DayakDaily
