Snowdan: Sarawak pays RM300 to councillors; Penang RM2,800; Selangor RM1,000

Datuk Snowdan Lawan

KUCHING, Aug 5: Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) Youth Chief Datuk Snowdan Lawan says when Sarawak is paying RM300 as fixed allowance to local councillors, Selangor is paying RM1,000 and Penang, RM2,800 to their councillors.

In responding to Puncak Borneo MP Willie Mongin who described that RM300 fixed allowance given to local councillors was an “apparent abuse of power and most blatant misuse of public fund”, Snowdan said Sarawak’s fixed allowance to councillors was a small sum compared to Penang and Selangor.

“Selangor gives out to their local councillors RM1000 fixed monthly allowance and RM100 for them to attends meeting.


“Penang gives out RM2500 as fixed allowance, an attendance allowance of RM1200 and RM300 as telephone allowance totalling up to RM4000 per month.” 

“To say that it (RM300 as fixed allowance to councillors in Sarawak) is an abuse of power and blatant misuse of public fund as alleged by Willie is gross ignorant on his part on what Pakatan Harapan itself does in Semenanjung and is not justifiable.”

“He (Willie) should report these two states, Selangor and Penang to Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) first before even recommending that Sarawak be placed under MACC microscope,” said Snowdan in a statement today.

Snowdan held the view that people must be realistic and appreciative of local councillors for their services to the community. 

“The councillors are appointed to assist the government in implementing policies and projects and thus deserve some allowance.

“Why deprived them of this token when they are of service to the state? They are real workers in the field willing to sacrifice their time and efforts overseeing and reporting the status of projects carried out by the government,” said Snowdan.

According to Snowdan who is also Assitant Minister of Yourh and Sports, appointment of local councillors has been quite stringent and result-oriented with Key Perforamnce Index (KPI) attached besides being able to resolve people’s woes and be people’s centric.

He also pointed out that local councillors in many occasions have to use their own money to discharge their duties when traveling to sites.

“For most councillors in the rural areas, and in view of the distance that they have to travel, this allowance, hopefully, will mitigate the rising costs and inspire them to be more effective.

“It is not rationale for Willie to label them as tools for propaganda for GPS to win election. The projects are meant for the benefits of all the ‘Rakyat’ across the state,” said Snowdan who is Balai Ringgin assemblyman.

Snowdan also stressed that the Sarawak government will always be supportive and appreciative of local councillors for their contributions towards the development of the state. — DayakDaily
