Single mother’s dilapidated house gets makeover thanks to Kota Sentosa rep

Yap (fifth right), Shaari (fifth left) photographed with Hamidah (centre) and other villagers who helped 'gotong-royong' for the house repair project at Lorong 7, Kampung Stutong Melayu, Kuching on Feb 3, 2024.

KUCHING, Feb 3: Single mother, Hamidah Jubni, residing in Lorong 7, Kampung Stutong Melayu, gets a house makeover worth RM15,000 thanks to Kota Sentosa assemblyman Wilfred Yap.

Yap said he received a distress call about three weeks ago from a member of the Kampung Stutong Melayu Security and Development Committee (JKKK) on the woman’s hardship of living in a dilapidated house with rotten flooring, termite-infested walls, and a leaking roof.

Due to the urgency and pressing nature of the problem, Yap allocated the funds under the Program Penambahbaikan Rumah Rakyat Miskin Sarawak (PPRMS) for the Kota Sentosa constituency.


The scope of work included repairing the house foundation with hardwood and cement, replacing the wood flooring with new wooden planks, replacing the wall with cement board, and replacing the leaking roof with new spandex roofing and repainting.

Yap and village chief Shaari Majidi were present to hand over the completed house repair project to Hamidah earlier today.

In a statement today, Yap expressed his concern about maintaining the wellbeing and prioritising the welfare of the people in his constituency.

Thus, he urged those who require house repair assistance under PPRMS to approach the community leaders from his constituency of Kota Sentosa and apply for assistance. — DayakDaily
