Silver lining amidst Covid-19 pandemic as 3 mother orang utans expecting

Analisa is expected to give birth end of 2021.

By Lian Cheng

KUCHING, Oct 11: Covid-19 may be having an adverse impact on Sarawakians but the local orang utan population is thriving with three of them expecting.

Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (Motac) permanent secretary Hii Chang Kee mentioned this during the launch of D’Drift 2021 today officiated by Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah.


In jest, Abdul Karim said perhaps due to Covid-19 where the orang utan were left undisturbed following the closing of wildlife centres, they were busy mating, resulting in three expecting orang utan mothers.

Meanwhile, Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC) CEO-cum-Controller of Wild Life Zolkipli Mohamad Aton who was also present at the event disclosed that the three pregnant orang utans are Analisa, Sadamiah and Selina.

Abdul Karim (left) stresses a point when sharing a light moment with Hii and Zolkipli at the D’Drift 2021 flag-off ceremony in Kuching on Oct 11, 2021.

According to Zolkipli, the 19-year-old Sadamiah which is expecting is a mother of two. Her offspring are Ruby, who is now eight-years-old and the famous Sigat (meaning ‘handsome’ in Iban, a name given by Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg) who is now three-years-old.

Analisa who is 25-years-old is also a mother of two—Anaku who is 11-years-old and Mas, a five-year-old.

Selina who is 17-years-old has only Sem who is now five-years-old.

“Estimated due date for Analisa is end of the year, while it is next year for Sadamiah and Selina.

“We are monitoring their pregnancy progress by observing their physical changes on their private parts, nipples and stomach sizes,” said Zolkipli.

For more details of the Orang Utan adoption programme at Semenggoh Wildlife Centre, please visit

The publicity poster for SFC’s orang utan feeding livestream.

SFC will also launch livestreaming of its orangutan feeding soon which locals and foreigners will be able to watch after paying a fee through its website. — DayakDaily
