Sibu marine police arrest two men, seize diesel worth RM919,000

The two suspects fail to produce any permit or valid documentation of the diesel.

SIBU, Nov 7: The marine police here have detained two local men and seized some 100,000 litres of diesel worth about RM919,000 during a routine check on a vessel at Batang Igan yesterday.

According to ACP Shamsol Kassim, a team of four officers carried out a check on a vessel named Bintang Jaya 1 at the river network of Sungai Antu.

“In the initial investigation, the operation team have found an estimated 100,000 litres of diesel inside the vessel tank.


“Two local man on board of the vessel fail to produce any permit or valid document from the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry (KPDNHEP) when requested,” he said.

An estimated 100,000 litres of diesel worth RM919,000 stored inside the vessel tank seized during the raid.

Both men and the seized diesel were handed over to Sibu KPDNHEP Sibu for further action.

The case is being investigated under Section 20(1) of the Supply Control Act 1961. — DayakDaily
