Sibu Health Department’s mobile vaccination team heads out to rural areas

Lau (third from right )with the food aid for recipients in Bawang Assan.

SIBU, June 12: The mobile vaccination team formed by Sibu Health Department is administering up to 400 doses today in rural Bawang Assan.

SUPP Bawang Assan chairman, Senator Robert Lau Hui Yew in his Facebook livestream last night said the team is covering several longhouses in the constituency today.

“This mobile team was formed to go to rural areas to vaccinate the residents. As we know Sibu is surrounded by longhouses and villages,” he said.


Taking the example of Bawang Assan, Lau said there are 10 Chinese villages alone in the area, not to mention the many Iban longhouses.

Lau commended on the setting up of the mobile team as timely, as presently vaccinations were done mostly in the town area.

He added that the district would be able to achieve its target of vaccinating 70 per cent or 190,000 residents if there is a steady supply of vaccines.

“I heard from Dr Annuar Rapaee (Sibu Division Disaster Management Committee coordinator) that we have received 17,000 doses of vaccine today (yesterday). We hope that we can receive the same quantity every week as our target is to administer 37,000 doses per week,” he said.

Lau foresaw that if the district could administer 37,000 doses a week, the target to achieve herd immunity in Sarawak is achievable by the end of August.

“The health department is ramping up the vaccination process. They are going to open up a vaccination dispensing centre at Lanang Health Clinic and Sibujaya. Both can provide up to 200 doses each per day. Private clinics and hospitals here are also helping to make the vaccination programme a success,” he added.

Over at Sibu Indoor Stadium, he pointed out that it was administering between 1,300 to 1,400 doses per day, five days a week.

To a question by a viewer, he disclosed that those in the 60 to 65 age group “would be vaccinated very soon.”

Meanwhile, he said his branch had distributed food aid under BKSS 3.0 to between 50 and 60 per cent of the 8,000 recipients in the constituency.

“”We are continuing with the distribution tomorrow (Saturday) and Sunday to Chinese area in Sungai Bidut. We hope to finish it by Monday,” he said. — DayakDaily
