Sibu frontliners lauded for good work

Siaw presenting goodies to a female frontliner.

SIBU, June 7: Frontliners have been commended for their good work which resulted in a high level of compliance among the public on the standard operating procedures during the current Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) period.

Sibu Resident, Charles Siaw expressed his satisfaction on the increasing awareness from both the public and businesses in continuing to abide to the SOP set by the government.

“As I walked around town this morning, I could see that the public and businesses observing the SOP,” he said during a Walkabout Programme around Farley area in Jalan Salim on Saturday.


According to Siaw, a total of 80 frontliners are involved in the daily operation in monitoring that the SOP are observed by the public and businesses at banks, eatery outlets and markets.

These frontliners comprised the police, Sibu Municipal Council and Civil Defence Force. They are split into two shifts from 8 am to 12 midnight.

The omnipresent of frontliners around town has also caused eatery outlets complying to the SOP by equipping themselves with thermometer for temperature checking of customers.

They have also ensured social distancing in the arrangement of chairs and tables and providing hand sanitiser for customers use.

“Even other businesses like boutiques are also following the SOP by locking their fitting rooms as not trying of clothes is allowed during this CMCO,” he said.

“Though Sibu is in the green zone of Covid-19, we must not be complacent but continue to follow the SOP such as wearing face mask, washing our hand and maintaining the strictest hygiene,” he advised.

Asked if those authorities involved in the operation had issued any summonses to violators of SOP, he said the frontliners had only been giving advice to individuals or businesses which they felt have not comply to the SOP.

“We have not issue any summon as like what I said the level of SOP compliance is very high here,” he added.

However he called on the people to report to his authority should they come across any person or businesses not abiding to the SOP.

The complaint can be lodged through CMCO WhatsApp at 013-9994158.

“Any complaint must be accompanied by a photo and place where the SOP is not being followed. We will immediately send our officers to the place,” he assured.

During the walkabouts, Siaw also presented goodies to 10 frontliners stationed in Farley area.

Accompanying him were Sibu Crime Prevention and Community Policing Department, DSP Ariffin Bahar, Lanang Police station head, Sub-Inspector Davaraj Subramaniam and general manager of Farley Supermarket, Lau Siew Whye. –DayakDaily.
