Senadin rep and SUPP service centre working to assist Taman Happy storm victims

Lee speaking to the media.

By Tedong Rantayy

MIRI, Feb 27: The Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Senadin service centre is working closely with local authorities and relief agencies to ensure that all storm victims in Taman Happy, Riam receive the help they need to recover and rebuild their homes.

Its chairman Dato Sri Lee Kim Shin who is also Minister of Transport Sarawak, gave assurance to the storm victims that they will receive assistance during this difficult time.


He emphasised the importance of coming together as a community to support one another in times of crisis.

The assemblyman also revealed that resources and aid will be provided to help those affected by the storm to recover and rebuild their homes.

“It is important for the victims to reach out for help and not hesitate to ask for assistance….Today, we have brought officers from Miri Welfare Department to evaluate the losses suffered by storm victims in the aftermath of the recent incident,” Lee told local media this morning after visiting the victims.

Lee was accompanied by Cr Jeffery Phang and SUPP Senadin staff.

He added, their primary focus will be on assessing the extent of damage to homes.

“Through a detailed evaluation process, they will determine the level of support and assistance needed by each individual and family affected by the storm. The evaluation process will be thorough and comprehensive, ensuring that all victims receive the assistance they require to recover and rebuild their homes,” he added.

The rooftops of at least 10 single terrace houses at Taman Happy, Riam were damaged in the storm on Monday (Feb 26, 2024).

Yesterday, a sudden storm tore down rooftops of at least 10 single-storey terrace houses in Taman Happy Timur, Riam, affecting more than 20 residents.

Firefighters from Lopeng Station were at the scene providing assistance and support to those affected, upon receiving distress calls about the incident at 2.46pm.

One of the victims when met at the scene today disclosed that the sudden storm only lasted for about 10 minutes.

No injuries were reported. — DayakDaily
