Satok assemblyman pledges RM50k for repair of damaged school facilities

Baki presents Chinese New Year goodies to a stall operator at an eatery along Jalan Nanas on Feb 8, 2024.

KUCHING, Feb 8: Satok assemblyman Dato Ibrahim Baki has committed RM50,000 to assist in repairing the smart school facilities of SJK Chung Hua No 4, which were damaged by a recent thunderstorm.

Expressing his concern for the students, Ibrahim stated that his contribution aims to ensure that the students can resume learning in the e-classroom facilities once repairs are completed.

“Meanwhile, you just have to be patient,” he assured during his remarks before distributing Chinese New Year 2024 goodies to approximately 50 underprivileged students from the school and others today.


Highlighting the significance of education, Baki emphasised that students represent Sarawak’s future human capital assets.

“I want you all to study diligently so that when you finish your education, you can contribute to building our State and the nation into prosperity,” he urged.

Furthermore, he encouraged students and teachers to continue celebrating the unique festive culture practiced by all Sarawakians and to foster camaraderie among all races.

Later, Baki conducted a Chinese New Year 2024 walkabout, greeting and distributing Chinese mandarin oranges to patrons at eateries along Jalan Nanas.

The event was attended by Kuching City North Commission (DBKU) Mayor Hilmy Othman, Sarawak Federation of Chinese Associations (SFCA) president Dato Richard Wee, The Association of Aided Chinese Primary Schools Kuching, Samarahan, and Serian Divisions president Dato Jonathan Chai, and SJK Chung Hua No 4 headmaster Simon Pui Jin Tung, among others. — DayakDaily
