Sarawak to study feasibility of building cascading dams in Limbang, Trusan River

Abang Johari (seated, centre) speaking during a press conference held at Limbang Waterfront in Limbang on March 6, 2024. Photo credit: Sarawak Public Communications Unit (Ukas)

By Ashley Sim

KUCHING, March 6: The Sarawak government will conduct a feasibility study on building cascading dams in Limbang River and Trusan River to raise power generation in the State.

Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg stressed that the cascading dam initiative will not in any way involve the acquisition or submergence of large areas of land.


“The cascading dam works through the running water in the river and this is a new technology.

“If we look at Quebec in Canada, 50 per cent of its power is through cascading power source which is based on the river technology,” he said during a press conference today at Limbang Waterfront in Limbang.

At the same time, he disclosed that out of a total of 266 projects allocated for the Limbang Division, 93 projects or 37 per cent of them have been fully completed.

All these projects, he said, involve a ceiling cost of RM462.1 million which is borne by the Sarawak government.

Meanwhile, 91 other projects are in various phases of implementation and another 57 projects are in planning.

Among the notable infrastructure projects in Limbang include the construction of a new road from Rangau to Kuala Limbang, a new township in Lawas, and the construction of a new road from Bukit Lubok to Kampung Seberang Kedai in Limbang crossing the Limbang river.

Abang Johari also mentioned that Limbang has potential in gas production through Petroleum Sarawak Berhad (Petros), of which he pointed out, that discussion is currently ongoing with a company from the Middle East to partner with in the petrochemical industry.

Additionally, during his visit to Limbang Waterfront, Abang Johari said a ‘missing’ link will be built to connect the whole stretch of the waterfront.

“When I was riding the boat to see Limbang Waterfront, I noticed that there is a missing link near Limbang Customs.

“Therefore, we will build one missing link where we will use supporting pillars to connect the walkway and the waterfront will be connected from the bridge up to the end of the town,” he added. — DayakDaily
