Sarawak Multimedia Authority to take over SITRC’s role, powers and functions

Talib tabling the Sarawak State Library (Amendment) Bill 2019 at DUN today (Nov 5, 2019) as seen in this photo of an in-house broadcast at the DUN complex.

By Peter Sibon

KUCHING: Nov, 5: The Sarawak State Library (Amendment) Bill 2019 will empower the Sarawak Multimedia Authority (SMA) to take over the powers, roles and functions previously being exercised and carried out by the State Information and Technology Resources Council (SITRC) under the Sarawak State Library Ordinance 1999.

In tabling the Bill today, Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department (Integrity and Ombudsman) Datuk Talib Zulpilip added that SMA will manage public archives and public records through digitalisation.


“The main objective of this Bill is to empower the Sarawak Multimedia Authority to take over the powers and the roles and functions previously being exercised and carried out by the State Information and Technology Resources Council under the Sarawak State Library Ordinance 1999 (Cap. 29),” Talib said the during the State Legislative Assembly (DUN) today.

He added that the amended Ordinance would also enable Sarawak to conduct, promote and facilitate research and training on archives and records management, library services or related services.

Apart from that it would empower the Board of Management of the State Library to pay the author or publisher of any printed library resources based on the scale of payment prescribed in consultation with SMA and with the approval of the state cabinet.

Talib stressed that collections of books, magazines, journals and other information resources are troves of great human minds documented for the people to read and understand.

“The Sarawak State Library is not just a place for us to study in preparation for examinations. No doubt it is useful for this purpose. Rather it is the centre of enlightenment where minds can meet and ideas interact, and access information, knowledge, technologies and cultures available beyond the superficial boundaries imposed by geography.

“Today we put forward the Sarawak State Library (Amendment) Bill 2019. It is meant to strengthen the State Library and the services provided, in line with the changes brought by developments especially in information and communications technology,” added Talib.

The Bill was duly passed after it was debated at DUN. Four assemblymen who participated in the debate in support the Bill were Jefferson Jamit Unyat (Bukit Goram), Lo Khere Chiang (Batu Kitang), Abdul Yakub Arbi (Balingian) and Datuk Seri Huang Tiong Sii (Repok). — DayakDaily
