Sarawak mulls deploying digital ID for foreign workers

Gerawat (right) and Bahjat photographed together after the courtesy visit.

By Nur Ashikin Louis

KUCHING, May 23: Sarawak is looking at the feasibility of deploying digital identification (ID) for foreign workers across the State.

According to Danapuri Sdn Bhd managing director Bahjat Aman, his company which is based in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore has experience in deploying digital ID in a few countries to which Deputy Minister in the Premier’s Department (Labour, Immigration and Project Monitoring) Datuk Gerawat Gala has shown positive feedback on the matter.


“Datuk Gerawat was very positive on that, and (he) has suggested collaborating with a few agencies like Smart Multimedia Authority (SMA) and Sarawak Information Systems Sdn Bhd (SAINS),” Bahjat said after paying a courtesy call to Gerawat at Sarawak Legislative Assembly (DUN) Complex earlier today.

Bahjat further implied that the digital ID would provide the data to the foreign workforce and facilitate the supply of workers.

“The digital ID would ensure the inclusion of foreign workers and social economy in terms of legal matters and taking care of their welfare. This applies to foreign workers across all industries like plantations and others,” he added.

Liwan (second left), Marthammuthu (left), and Sivan (second right) in a group photo.

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister for Utility and Telecommunication Datuk Liwan Lagang was receptive to working with award-winning company Novem CS Sdn Bhd to provide VSAT broadband services to rural folk in the State.

The company’s chief technology officer M. Umapathy Sivan said the deputy minister had expressed his interest in looking at how the company can expand the capability of cyber security to support the ambition of the State government to become a fully digital Sarawak in the coming years.

“We will work with the State agencies like SMA, SAINS, and Sarawak Service Modernisation Unit (SSMU). But the idea is that now we will start exploring and looking at the right agencies to work with,” he said after paying a courtesy visit to Liwan at the latter’s office at the DUN Complex today.

Additionally, Sivan said the company also seeks to collaborate with State agencies to embark on enriching the experiences in cyber security practices and capability.

At the same time, Right Track Education Sdn Bhd founder and chief executive officer (CEO) Ragunathan Marthammuthu, who was also present, told the press that he first went to Sarawak four months ago for entrepreneurship upskilling and youth development programmes under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

However, during his time in Sarawak, specifically on a three-hour drive from Bintulu to Belaga, he commented that he could not even get a phone signal which inspired him to come back and bring in his friends (other companies) and other investors to help build up connectivity for the rural community. — DayakDaily
