Sarawak is where real ‘Keluarga Malaysia’ can be found, says political pundit

Dato Peter Minos

KUCHING, Sept 30: Sarawak is where the real ‘Keluarga Malaysia’ can be found. From villages to kopitiam (coffee shops), the people of Sarawak exude tolerance and sensibility, unbothered by religion or race, to live in perfect harmony.

Political pundit Dato Peter Minos said this is how a friend of his from Penang, whom he read law with together in London from 1984 to 1988, perceived Sarawak and its people.

“My friend, Mr Khoo, is amazed by the fact that Sarawakians of whatever race or religion give a distinct impression and feeling that they are not bothered by the racial background or religious affiliation of each other.


“To him, this is a wonderful society which, unfortunately, cannot be felt in Peninsular Malaysia, where the people talk a lot about it (unity and harmony in diversity) but do not practise it. It is regrettable,” Minos shared in a statement today.

According to Khoo, another astonishing value exhibited by Sarawakians, Minos, also Kota Samarahan Municipal Council chairman, added, was that Sarawakians are always comfortable with each other with racial, religious or culture not being a barrier at all.

Khoo noted that this unusual harmony could be seen at every kopitiam, cafe, and even hotel coffeehouse in Sarawak, where Muslims and non-Muslims can share tables and eat together without a fuss.

“Khoo said this is the best, but again, such values are missing in Peninsular Malaysia. To him, Sarawakians are not ‘crazy’ or ‘obsessed’ about religion and race, making life easy, comfortable, enjoyable, and meaningful,” Minos said.

So instead of coming to Sarawak to lecture and preach about national unity and integration in some “haughty and smugly ways”, Minos said Khoo believes that Malaysians in the Peninsular have much to learn from Sarawakians, including Sabahans.

“He noted that if only the whole of Malaysia is like Sarawak, Malaysia would be a wonderful nation.” — DayakDaily
