Sarawak is ‘bigger’ now with region status, says Abang Karim

Abang Karim (third right) and Kho (fourth right) together with other guests pose with the lion dance troupe during the grand opening of Kapitan Restaurant today (Jan 14, 2023).

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, Jan 14: Sarawak is “bigger” now with its status accorded a region and not merely a State within Malaysia.

Highlighting this, Business Events Sarawak (BESarawak) by Sarawak Convention Bureau (SCB) chairman Dato Sri Abang Abdul Karim Tun Openg has called on the business community in Sarawak to step up their game in actively participating and accelerating the economic development and growth in the region, including in areas of the new economy.


“Sarawak is fortunate and lucky as we are a destination that people are looking forward to. More importantly, Sarawak is politically stable with strong financial standing, abundance of resources and strength in the renewable energy sector.

“You have to be more dynamic, continue to innovate and create, embrace new technologies and keep pace with the development of the economy,” he said, urging for greater response from the business community with bolder and quicker actions to expedite Sarawak’s progress.

He said this when officiating at the grand opening of Kapitan Restaurant at Emporium here today.

Abang Karim also mentioned that Sarawak is making all efforts to promote Sarawak tourism including through gastronomic offerings, following Kuching City’s global recognition by Unesco as the City of Gastronomy.

“Food and beverage is a very important part of the economy and the tourism sector in which the spillover effect on the economy will bring benefits to the people.

“I believe Kapitan will be able to lead in creating unique menus that reflect Sarawak’s flavours. I hope you maintain Kapitan’s uniqueness not only in your food offerings but also your attire as part of your branding. You have the ingredients for success,” he said.

Abang Karim also welcomed more industry players to become members of related associations and the commerce chambers to have a well connected network to expand their business and explore more opportunities.

Meanwhile, Kapitan Restaurant brings the tangy and aromatic taste of Sarawak’s very own Baba and Nyonya Cuisine to Sarawak. Besides Peranakan Cuisine, Kapitan Restaurant also celebrates the taste of multiethnic food culture by incorporating the unique taste of multi-ethnic culture of Sarawakian in the menu.

Kapitan Restaurant has been operating since September 2022 and it has received a positive response from customers regardless of background, ethnicity and religious belief.

Digital Economy Office (Cscao) chief scientist and chief advisor Prof Jugdutee (Jack) Singh, Economic Planning Unit (EPU) deputy director of Project Strategy Tahir Sharee as well as Kapitan F&B Sdn Bhd managing director Kho Lian Shen and its directors Jerry Toh and Goh Cheng Kui were present. — DayakDaily
