Sarawak hero, last Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa recipient Etin Jam laid to rest

Pallbearers salute before Etin’s coffin before the final funeral rites at the Heroes’ Grave on June 7, 2024. Photo credit: Ukas

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, June 7: The final rites for the late Corporal (B) Etin Jam, Sarawak’s last surviving recipient of the nation’s highest gallantry award, the Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa (SP), were conducted with full police honours as his remains were laid to rest at the Heroes’ Grave at 11.39am today.

According to a news report by Sarawak Public Communication Unit (Ukas), the poignant ceremony commenced earlier as the late Etin’s body was solemnly transported from the Kuching Civic Centre to St Thomas Church for a prayer service at 8.30am.


With reverence, police pallbearers hoisted the late Etin’s coffin onto their shoulders, escorting him from the church to his final resting place at the Heroes’ Grave during his funeral.

Deputy Premier of Sarawak Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas emphasised that today’s generation must deeply value the sacrifices and contributions of those who have served and fought tirelessly to safeguard the security and peace of our homeland.

Uggah hands over the Malaysia flag to Etin’s daughter Linda Nacha upon completion of the funeral rites, witnessed by Mancha (left) at the Heroes’ Grave on June 7, 2024. Photo credit: Ukas

He underscored the significance of honouring heroes like the late Etin, who fearlessly defended the nation’s integrity.

In paying homage to the late Etin, Uggah said Etin’s gallant efforts, alongside his fellow servicemen, in upholding the nation’s security and peace, must be eternally remembered and revered.

“I personally express my deepest gratitude to him, as it is through the sacrifices of individuals like him that the younger generation enjoys the prosperity we experience today,” he told the press following the solemn funeral rites held at the Heroes’ Grave today.

Etin’s daughter Linda Nacha places flower wreaths on the tomb of his late father Etin following the funeral ceremony at the Heroes’ Grave on June 7, 2024. Photo credit: Ukas

Etin, a retired police officer, passed away on Tuesday (June 4) at the age of 83 after a battle with lung cancer.

The late Etin had served Sarawak and Malaysia with unwavering dedication, braving the perils of conflict and danger with unwavering resolve.

His most notable act of valour occurred on April 29, 1972, when he and his unit were ambushed by communist insurgents while escorting explosives for the Public Works Department in the Jalan Oya area in Sibu.

Despite being heavily outnumbered, Etin and his comrades successfully defended their convoy, an act for which he was awarded the highest Malaysian honour on July 6, 1972, by the 5th Yang di-Petuan Agong Al-Marhum Tuanku Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah.

(From right) Uggah, Gerawat, Bucklang and Mancha attending late Etin’s funeral accorded with state honours at the Heroes’ Grave on June 7, 2024. Photo credit: Ukas

In attendance at the funeral were distinguished dignitaries, including the Deputy Minister in the Premier’s Department (Labour, Immigration and Project Monitoring) Datuk Gerawat Gala, Deputy Sarawak Secretary (Administration) Datu Buckland Bangik, Sarawak Police Commissioner Dato Mancha Ata, representatives from Sarawak and Federal government Departments, as well as the Retired and Police Veteran Association, alongside members of the deceased’s family. — DayakDaily
