Sarawak proposes officially third booster jab for frontliners and the vulnerable

Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas

By Lian Cheng

KUCHING, Sept 20: The Sarawak government has officially proposed to the Health Ministry for a third booster dose to be administered to frontliners and the vulnerable members in Sarawak.

Sarawak Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) chairman Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas thanked Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin who is now weighing on Sarawak’s request.


Uggah said the decision was made after closely monitoring United Kingdom and Israel which have started administering booster dose especially to the vulnerable groups and the outcome received positive response.

“We haven’t got the timeline yet but we are making all the preparations. Now we are busy giving vaccination to those 16 (of age) and below,” said Uggah in a press conference called to announce the formation of a Covid-19 Awareness Working Committee which has been set up to prepare the general public to move into post vaccination era where Covid-19 is in anticipation to become endemic.

Uggah said Covid-19 cases have been rampant since March 22, and in general, SDMC has come to a stage where it feels that more intensive and more aggressive health education programme needed to be carried out systematically so that Sarawakians understand Covid-19 situation they are facing and they will slowly be told of how to adapt themselves to the new normal and live with Covid-19.

He said since we are now part of the National Recovery Plan, it is critical for government messages regarding Covid-19 to be communicated to everyone on the ground.

“The GPS government has put a lot of resources and energy to try to make sure that Sarawak people are safe. That is why when you look at our vaccination rate, ours, is the fastest in the country. Now we are (at the stage of) giving vaccination to the adolescents in Sarawak.

“We must explain to the people that the war against Covid-19 should not be left to the government. The war is our war and everybody must play their part,” he added.

Uggah who is also Deputy Chief Minister said Sarawak had gone through various waves of Covid-19 attacks and in certain ways and in face of various waves, Sarawakians have succeeded in reducing the number of Covid-19 infection cases.

“Now the biggest challenge is of course the Delta variant, but I am very confident that we will be able to overcome it because Sarawak people are resilient, able to work together and we play our role,” said Uggah. — DayakDaily
