Sarawak govt urged to expedite elevating Belaga district to a division

The hornbill is the symbol of Belaga district.

SIBU, Oct 16: The Kenyah Uma Baha Women Association Sibu is calling on the state government to expedite the process of elevating Belaga district to a division.

Its chairperson, Umie Liau said the people of Belaga had previously made a clarion call to the Sarawak government to change the status of Belaga to a division in view of the vast development taking place in their area due to the successful completion of the Bakun Hydro Dam.

“Belaga should not be forever remain as a district in the Kapit Division. It is high time to elevate it to a division by itself,” she said today.


Umie noted that Belaga, which is in the Hulu Rajang Parliamentary constituency, has experienced a growth in population.

“According to the 2019 population statistic, it clearly shows that the population of Belaga is at 22,660, Sg Asap sub-district (20,210) and Bukit Mabong (21,170). Besides that the size of Belaga of 19,403.2 sq km also make it qualified as a division,” she added.

On behalf of the residents there, Umie said the elevation of the district to division, would bring much more development and prosperity to them.

“We have sacrificed for the construction of the two hydro dams which include Bakun and Murum dams. Thus, help to consider our request for a new status for Belaga,”she said.

In addition to that, Belaga has also contributed to the state economy through timber.

Belaga which is 120km from Kapit, is populated by Kenyah and Kayan where their longhouses are located along the Balui and Belaga rivers. —DayakDaily
