Sarawak Bodybuilding Association to commemorate 60th anniversary with book

Group photo of Wee (fourth left) and bodybuilding athlete Buda (fourth right), Malvern (fifth left) and Philomena (fourth right) at Kuching International Airport after they arrived from the 13th WBPF World Bodybuilding & Physique Sports Championship in Phuket, Thailand.

By Wilfred Pilo

KUCHING Dec 14: Sarawak Bodybuilding Association (SBBA) president Dato Wee Hong Seng reveals that a book will be published in recognition of the contribution of Sarawak’s bodybuilding athletes over the years.

“This is one of the plan by the Sarawak government in commemorating the association’s 60th anniversary next year. SBBA is one of the oldest associations here and it is even older than the Malaysian Bodybuilding Association,” he said.


“This is one of the thing that our association plans to do soon, and we will dig up the contributions of our bodybuilders and come up with the book,” he added.

Wee, who is also Kuching South City Council (MBKS) mayor, told reporters about the book after welcoming three bodybuilding athletes from the 13th WBPF World Body Building & Physique Sports Championship 2022, Phuket Thailand at Kuching International Airport this evening.

The three bodybuilding athletes are Buda Anchah, Dr Malvern Abdullah and Philomena Dexclyn Siar.

Wee also disclosed that there will be a bodybuilding event throughout Sarawak to mark the coming 60th anniversary.

He also further revealed that there would be an incentive for bodybuilding athletes that have contributed to the sport.

“Sarawak should recognise that the bodybuilding athletes that contributed two out of three golds that Malaysia won at the world championship in Phuket came from Sarawak.

“We will appeal for the State government to increase more funds for the extra effort that these athletes made as they were crowned ‘Mr World’ in the recently concluded championship in Thailand,” he said. — DayakDaily
