Saratok teacher throws RM29k into bush as scammers extract RM125k in elaborate scam

Dato Mancha Ata

KUCHING, Dec 6: A teacher in Saratok threw a bag with RM29,000 in cash into a bush apart from transferring RM125,000 in stages to seven different bank accounts after falling for a scam call.

Sarawak Commissioner of Police Dato Mancha Ata said the incident unfolded when the teacher, in her early 30s, received a call on Oct 19 from an unknown number where the caller claimed to be ‘Puan Maisarah from SKMM (Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission)’.

“The victim was informed that the SKMM received a complaint (KKDCY 207119) from the public lodged against her phone number for allegedly been used in creating fake advertisements around Seremban.


“The victim was then connected to several individuals who instructed her to transfer (her savings) into a bank account given for investigation by Bank Negara,” he said in a press statement today.

In a panic, the teacher performed 19 transactions amounting to about RM125,000 in stages to seven bank accounts provided by the scammers between mid-October to mid-November this year.

On Dec 4 at about 8am, the victim complying with the scammer’s demands even withdrew RM29,000 and threw it into a bush near a P-turn junction in Sarawak.

It was only upon returning to the location that she discovered the money was missing that she realised she had been deceived.

“In total, she was defrauded of about RM150,000,” Mancha said.

Mancha emphasised the importance of not entertaining unknown phone calls and avoiding panic or anxiety in response to unverified allegations.

The police advised the public to verify telephone numbers and bank accounts using the Check Scammers CCID application or the website before engaging in any financial transactions. — DayakDaily
