Saratok MP told to list down projects made difficult to implement

Charles Chad Nissom

KUCHING, Sept 19: The state government is more than eager to assist its federal counterpart when it comes to implementing projects deemed beneficial to every strata of the people in Sarawak.

Political Secretary to the Chief Minister, Charles Nissom, has challenged Saratok MP Ali Biju to list down all the development projects he claimed made difficult by the state government for Putrajaya to implement in Sarawak.

Charles, in a statement, said Ali’s recent statement accusing the state government of making it difficult for the federal to carry out development projects were baseless and untrue.


“First and foremost, I urge Ali to list down the name of the projects, whether roads, bridges or building, as well as location and in which parliamentary, state constituency, including the implementing agency, whether it is the Public Works Department or contractors, and when these projects are supposed to be completed.

“Ali, reveal to us within seven days all the projects which the states cancelled or stop, so that we can assist you to continue the projects. Failing to do so, you are merely rhetoric, uttering words without facts,” he said.

Charles added that the state government had taken over many development projects, which the Pakatan Harapan federal government had cancelled, such as the Batang Lupar bridge.

He said Ali should seek to reinstate all the cancelled development projects and funding for Sarawak from Putrajaya, if the latter truly cares for the state.

“As Sarawakians we would expect you to lobby for funding on this. Instead you become a party witnessing the project being cancelled.

“It is unbecoming for an MP like Ali Biju to accuse the state government of not being helpful when actually it is your own fault of not being able to gather support at the grassroots,” he continued. — DayakDaily
