Saratok MP allocates RM400,000 in fire aid to Rh Asun in Tembawai Kapok

Datuk Ali Biju

KUCHING, Nov 27: Saratok MP Datuk Ali Biju has mobilised its service centre team to deliver RM400,000 in emergency relief and provide support to the fire victims of Rh Asun in Tembawai Kapok, Awik today.

In a statement, Ali said he was informed that some 150 residents from 20 doors of the longhouse were rendered homeless by the fire.

“Upon receiving a call about the fire incident, I have immediately directed representatives from my service centre to rush to the location and render whatever assistance they can as an early intervention measure.


“The team arrived at the location in 20 minutes and have been updating me on the situation on the ground from time to time,” he said.

The Energy and Natural Resources Deputy Minister has approved emergency aid of RM5,000 for each door and RM10,000 in the form of construction materials for each door to be processed immediately.

He added that a cash aid of RM5,000 will also be handed to each door, while RM100,000 will be allocated for the levelling work on the site of a new longhouse in the near future.

“I have also contacted the Welfare Department in Saratok to help to reduce the burden of the longhouse community.

“I hope residents of Rh Asun can be patient in facing this challenge,” he urged. — DayakDaily
