Ruling on face mask wearing receives public support

Image by pasja1000 from Pixabay

SIBU, July 24: The majority of the people here supported the move in making the wearing of face masks in public places and on public transport compulsory starting August 1.

On July 23, Senior Minister, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the ruling was made due to the increase of positive Covid-19 cases for the last three days and low compliance of standard operating procedures among the public.

Those who do comply with the ruling will be issued with a compound of RM1,000 under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 or prosecuted in court.


Sarawak however has yet to make the decision of following the ruling.

A hotelier, Johnny Wong said as the ruling is a good one, it should be applied to all states and not just in Peninsular Malaysia.

“The wearing of face masks must be compulsory nationwide and not just in Peninsular Malaysia. Sarawak needs to be the same as it is for the safety of everybody,” he asserted.

Wong, however said the ruling should apply to all places and not just crowded public places and on public transport.

“Nobody should be blamed if compounds are issued for those not adhering to the ruling. It is high time that everybody respects the minister’s decision,” he opined.

A cafe operator, Peter Tang is all for the ruling.

“I totally agreed to make wearing  face compulsory until there are effective vaccines to contain Covid-19 or the virus disappears by itself. Australia is a very good example which has made wearing face masks compulsory,” he said.

Tang reasoned that the ruling was the right move due to many silence carriers spreading the virus in the second or third waves.

“Most of the time, I am putting on a face mask especially at my age (60 plus). If the government and public area enforced it, then more people will wear them,” he said.

A retired teacher, Marcus Tan described the ruling as an excellent move by the government.

“It is advisable to wear masks to help stop the spread of the disease and also to protect oneself. 100 per cent support this move,” he said.

Tan said he used to forget to wear masks but now it becomes a habit already once he goes out.-DayakDaily
