ROSE wants SDMC to allow non-Sarawakians to bypass EnterSarawak app

Ann Teo

KUCHING, Oct 19: Persatuan Pemangkin Daya Masyarakat (ROSE) is calling upon the State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) to allow non-Sarawakians to enter the State without having to apply through the EnterSarawak app immediately.

Its president Ann Teo in a statement today said the decision to make non-Sarawakians apply to enter Sarawak through the EnterSarawak app in the revised standard operating procedures (SOPs) suggested that SDMC can act in a manner in deciding who can and who cannot enter Sarawak.

She opined that it could mean SDMC can bar the entry of election volunteers and helpers who are not Sarawakians but coming to Sarawak for legitimate political activities during an election.


Teo questioned the decision of SDMC for acting in a unfair manner towards other fully vaccinated Malaysians who wanted to travel to Sarawak for tourism.

“What really is the reason for this requirement?

“Since no RTK (Rapid-Test Kit) nor PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) tests are required anymore, does this latest ruling assume that only Sarawakians, travelling from other states are immune from Covid-19 infection?

“The virus does not discriminate infecting people on the basis of their place of birth or which state you are from.

“Sadly, the nature of this SOP also contradicts the State’s intention to attract domestic tourism in wanting to reopen the State’s economy.

“If any sector has been crushed by this Covid-19 pandemic, it is our tourism sector. Hence, why is SDMC being so heartless in denying our State’s tourism industry access to desperately needed business?

“Why make ourselves less competitive?” she asked.

Teo believed the relaxed conditions of entry into Sarawak for only fully vaccinated Sarawakians suggested that the State government expects Sarawakians to fly back to vote in the coming 12th Sarawak Election (PRN12).

On October 16, SDMC announced that all foreigners and Malaysians who are non-Sarawakians must apply via the EnterSarawak app in order to enter the State.

However, exemptions were given to federal civil servants serving in Sarawak, private sector employees originating from other states but are working in Sarawak, non-Sarawakians who are married to Sarawakians, Sarawakians children born outside Sarawak and Malaysia My Second Home visa holders. — DayakDaily
