RM1 Flat Rate Bus Fare to Covid-19 vaccination centres gets good public response

Eligible vaccine recipients waiting for their turn at Sibu Indoor Stadium.

SIBU, June 27: The RM1 Flat Rate Bus Fare Programme to ferry eligible vaccine recipients to Covid-19 vaccination centres is receiving good response from the people so far.

Sarawak Bus Transport Company Association adviser Lau Khing Seng said today that this arrangement is a win-win situation for the State Government, bus companies and the people.

“The programme is well received by the people especially those who do not have their own transport. It is not only convenient to them as the fare is affordable to them,” he reckoned.


Taking the example of Sibujaya, he said the normal one-way fare from the town is RM6. However, under this programme, the people need only pay RM1.

“The daily schedule of bus companies participating in this programme is from 6am to 5pm. For some PPV with fewer vaccine recipients, the bus schedule is up to 3pm daily,”  he added.

As for the size of the bus, Lau stressed that a bigger bus is used for PPV further away from the town centre and smaller one for PPV located 6km away from the town.

“This type of arrangement is good as bus companies have some sort of earning during this trying time. As for the government, if they resort to other arrangements to ferry the people to the vaccination centre, it will incur higher cost such as engaging individual cars for the purpose,” opined Lau.

He said these buses stop either right in front of the PPV, especially for smaller ones.

The State Transport Ministry in collaboration with  the relevant agencies and the stage bus companies are providing this service to connect to PPV in major towns which includes Kuching, Kota Samarahan, Serian, Sri Aman, Sarikei, Sibu, Mukah and Miri.

The public can view the routes and schedules of these stage buses at www.https://mot.sarawak.gov.my.

Transport Minister Datuk Lee Khim Sim had said that with this programme, those eligible for vaccination have the option to use public transport. — DayakDaily
