KUCHING, Feb 21: The power to issue identity cards should be returned to Sarawak to resolve the problem of stateless Sarawakians, says Dayak National Congress (DNC).
According to its president Paul Raja, there are many stateless Sarawakians who for various reasons have been deprived of birth certificates and identity cards.
Therefore, DNC wished to petition the State government to exercise its authority under the Registration of Births and Deaths Ordinance [Cap. 10 (1958 Ed.)].
This is pursuant to the State’s autonomy under Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) which is now returned back to the State by virtue of the amendment to the Federal Constitution to restore Sarawak’s position as a partner in the formation of Malaysia.
“In relation to that, the power to issue identity cards to Sarawakians should be returned to Sarawak and exercised by the Sarawak National Registration Department (NRD) which shall be the responsibility of the State government; not the federal government,” he said in a statement today.
Paul cited the case of former border scout Basar Paru in Lawas who fought for Sarawak during the Indonesian Confrontation in 1963 but the 92-year-old man is still denied a Malaysian citizenship until today.
“There are many such unfortunate cases and nothing is done or has been done to solve their problems. So, we urge the State government to take the appropriate action to resolve the matter,” he added.
The call for Sarawak autonomy over the issuance of identity cards was among DNC’s resolutions passed during its triennial general meeting (TGM) held at a local hotel in Kuching on Saturday (Feb 19).
The other resolutions included the call for the State government to retain English as an official language in Sarawak and as a medium of instruction in schools besides Bahasa Melayu as well as retain Sarawak as a secular State to maintain the harmony and religious freedom of its people.
Apart from that, Paul also urged for Native Customary Rights (NCR) land to be surveyed and landowners issued land titles under Section 18 instead of Section 13 of the Sarawak Land Code.
This is because titles issued under Section 18 meant NCR landowners are exempted from paying land premiums, while titles issued under Section 13 are subject to land premiums as the said land is deemed State land.
“Case in point is the current exercise in Bintulu where titles are issued under Section 13 and premiums have to be paid.
“Many NCR landowners can’t afford the premium. By right, NCR land should be issued (sic) with titles under Section 18 and no premium is payable unless they are sold or transferred,” Paul asserted.
He also said the Settlement Operation as provided by the Land Code under Part V must be brought back into practice with the ultimate objective that all NCR land must be titled including the Communal Title which has been approved since the time of the Rajah Brooke government. — DayakDaily