Residents use 8 fire extinguishers to save TR Nyangun longhouse in Katibas from blaze

Residents of TR Nyangun longhouse who acted swiftly to put out the fire on Feb 20, 2024.

SONG, Feb 20: Residents of TR Nyangun longhouse in Nanga Miaw, Katibas prevented a devastating fire today by swiftly deploying eight units of dry powder fire extinguishers.

Responding to an emergency at 4.35pm, a team of firefighters from the Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) Sarawak Song station could only reach the location by using a boat provided by the longhouse residents to cross the Katibas river.

Upon arrival, firefighters found that only one per cent of the upper floor structure of one of the longhouse’s 13 doors, housing 79 residents, was affected by the fire.

A firefighter checking the minor damages caused by a fire at TR Nyangun longhouse in Nanga Miaw, Katibas, Song on Feb 20, 2024.

Residents under the Bomba Community effectively extinguished the fire, suspected to have originated from a three-pin socket and spread to a minor part of the building structure, before it could escalate.

Following a thorough inspection to ensure no potential ignition sources remained, firefighters concluded their operation at 5.52pm. — DayakDaily
