Rep advises younger generations to touch base with community leaders

Telang Usan Assemblyman Dennis Ngau (seated 3rd from left, second row) with others making the "Christmas tree" sign at Penghulu Freddie Abun and his wife's Christmas open house.

By Jaythaleela K

MIRI, Dec 27: The practice of respecting their elders among the Orang Ulu community, especially those appointed by the state government to hold certain responsibilities like community leaders, must be upheld and practised in life especially by younger and future generations, said Telang Usan Assemblyman Dennis Ngau.

“It cannot be denied that this legendary fine value practiced by the Orang Ulu is challenged by modern-day living where the new generations today live all over the place in search of livelihood, with better education opportunities for rural people today seeing them live mostly away from their longhouses,” he said while attending Penghulu Freddie Abun’s Christmas open house today.


He added that this may have contributed to the younger generations being unaware of certain “adat” practices by their community since time immemorial.

Therefore, he said that efforts must be made by parents to teach their younger generation today. Dennis suggested that one “tool” they could use was by taking them to visit their respective community leaders during celebrations like Christmas.

On another note, Dennis said that several project packages under Highland Development Agency (HDA) initiatives will be embarked upon in early 2020, particularly road projects. —DayakDaily
