Quality over quantity: Deputy Minister urges researchers to commercialise patents

Dr Annuar (seated front, second left) and others in a group photo at the two-day workshop on ‘Patent Specification Writing’ held from Sept 26 to Sept 27, 2023 at i-CATS University College on Jalan Stampin Timur in Kuching.

KUCHING, Sept 27: Sarawak should not register and own patents for the sake of accumulating numbers, but rather should ensure that any patents successfully registered and owned result in a commercial outcome, says Education, Innovation, and Talent Development (MEITD) Sarawak Deputy Minister Datuk Dr Annuar Rapaee.

According to a Sarawak Research Development Council (SRDC) press release issued today, Dr Annuar said this in his officiating speech at a two-day workshop on ‘Patent Specification Writing’ organised by SRDC in collaboration with Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) from Sept 26 to Sept 27 at i-CATS University College on Jalan Stampin Timur here.

“Sarawak aims to create Intellectual Property (IP) from our investment into research and development (R&D).


“The State’s current registered patents stand at less than 50, and by 2030, we aim to increase our ownership of patents. However, we do not want to just own IP; these must be realised into viable and profitable economic returns to the State,” he said.

Meanwhile, in his welcome speech, SRDC general manager Dr Peter Morin Nissom introduced the workshop as an SRDC initiative to create awareness among stakeholders and to provide knowledge and skills on preparing IP specifications.

As per SRDC, the two-day workshop presents a platform for participants to discuss translating their research to impactful outcomes that will benefit the community and the economy, as well as protect their IP.

“The workshop was officiated by Dr Annuar. Participants from Sarawak-based universities and research agencies, as well as the private sector, attended the workshop.

“Over the two days, Intan from MyIPo, Louis Tang from Twin Catalyst, and Dr Mohd Helmi from i-CATS University College, shared their experience in registering and owning patents and IPs. Intan also guided participants through the process of preparing specifications for patent applications and registration.

“The workshop was attended by 60 participants,” SRDC said. — DayakDaily
