Public advised to exercise vigilance about fire safety during restricted movement order

Khirudin Drahman

KUCHING, March 17: There is likely to be an increase in various indoor activities such as cooking and excessive use of electrical appliances during the restricted movement order (RMO), Fire and Rescue Department Sarawak chief Khirudin Drahman opines.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced the order which will come into effect from March 18 to 31, to curb the spread of Covid-19 in Malaysia.

“With the [RMO] in place, many will have to stay indoors, meaning there will be cooking activities and higher usage of electrical appliances, which may cause fire. As a reminder to the public, please keep a very close eye on matters that involve fire safety.


“Always take ‘precaution, prevention and protection’ measures. The 3L syndrome of ‘Lupa, Leka dan Lalai’, which refers to forgetfulness, carelessness and negligent attitudes of the public, are among the major contributors to fires incidences,” Khirudin asserted in a statement.

The public must also be aware of the need to prevent tragedies, which cause loss of lives and damage to property.

“As the saying goes, firefighting is a losing battle; therefore, the best way to fight fire is to prevent it from happening,” Khirudin emphasised. — DayakDaily
