PRS wants more of its members appointed into local administration, GLCs

Salang addressing a press conference after chairing the PRS Supreme Council meeting today (Jan 14, 2023).

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, Jan 14: Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) wants to see more of its party members represented in government-linked companies (GLCs) and appointed to the role of political secretaries, councillors, and community leaders like Temenggong, Pemanca and Penghulu.

PRS president Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum, in raising this, urged the government to be more inclusive regarding representation at the grassroots level.


“We hope to see greater party representation at GLCs, both at the Sarawak and Federal levels, as this would be a great opportunity for the Dayak community. We want educated and well-qualified people to sit on some of the important boards so that the Dayak community can participate in nation-building.

“At the moment, the Federal government is not having any firm decision on appointment to key roles in GLCs, but we want our members to be given the opportunity,” he told a press conference after chairing the party’s Supreme Council meeting held at its headquarters which was attended by PRS top leaders today.

With that, Salang also called on the Sarawak government to look into the new appointment of a Temenggong for the Iban community in Sri Aman.

“At the moment, we have one in position for Iban Temenggong in Sri Aman. However, his appointment will not be extended because he has reached the age of 80.

“So we hope the government will choose someone from PRS to fill the position,” he said.

Salang emphasised that this would be good to show the community PRS represents that they are not only talking about securing State or Parliamentary seats but an affirmation for those who supported the party. — DayakDaily
