PRS supports actions against corrupted politicians, but says prosecution should be unbiased

Parti Rakyat Sarawak logo.

KUCHING, May 16: Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) supports Pakatan Harapan (PH) taking action against corrupted politicians but emphasised it must not be selective prosecution.

The party welcomed PH’s move as Malaysia is a country of rules and laws which should be enforced.

“Do what is needed, what is necessary. We have laws in this country. I think Malaysia is one country that has the most number of laws that have been enacted after the existence of the federation (of Malaysia).


“But whether or not if they are being applied properly, that is another thing. It is good that PH is trying to put law into action, to curb what is perceived as corruption.

“We are prepared to be screened, I, for example, but let there not be any perception of selective prosecution,” said PRS secretary-general Datuk Joseph Salang at a press conference after the party’s supreme council meeting at its headquarters at Jalan Wan Alwi today.

Meanwhile, its president Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing concurred with Salang, stressing that Malaysia is a country with a code of law and the law should take its course on anyone who has done wrong.

“So if they (PH) have proof, they can go ahead, but not only on us. PH has to look at themselves also. Set your house in order first. We may be the devil, they are no angels also.

“Let the law take its course. ‘Siapa young salah, kenalah’ (who is guilty will feel the brunt).” said Masing who is also Deputy Chief Minister. — DayakDaily
