Proposed wave breaker at Kpg Kuala Batu Satu at “design stage”


By Jaythaleela K

MIRI, Jan 11: The proposed RM25 million wave breaker project at Kampung Kuala Batu Satu here is now at the design stage.

Assistant Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Datuk Lee Kim Shin said this federal project was approved by the previous federal government.


In September last year, Minister of Water, Land and Natural Resources Dr Xavier Jayakumar made a brief visit to the fishing village and announced that work was expected to start sometime this year.

Xavier added that it would take 18 months to complete this initiative.

Lee was asked for an update on the wave breaker project when he went to Kampung Kuala Batu Satu this morning to inspect the progress of a RM300,000 project to build a new market, a pavement to link the new market to the old one plus related drainage.

He told reporters covering his visit that once the project is fully completed by April this year, the people, especially the fishermen, from the village and nearby areas would stand to benefit.

Lee (blue shirt, black pants) in a photo call with those accompanying him for the visit to Kampung Kuala Batu Satu.
Lee (clad in blue shirt, black pants) having a chit-chat with the fishermen at the village.

“Once the project is completed, fishermen from the old market and the new one can share and use the facility available and put their boats at the boat sheds,” he said.

The project is being implemented by Petronas Carigali as part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR), said Lee.

The old Kampung Kuala Batu Satu fishermen market is managed by Kampung Kuala Batu Satu, while the new one is to be managed by the Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia (LKIM).

Accompanying Lee on the visit were representatives from Petronas Carigali representatives and Department of Drainage and Irrigation (DID) personnel. — DayakDaily
