Premier discloses ongoing research on special blades for wind-solar energy harvesting

Abang Johari speaks during BETC2024 on Feb 26, 2024. Photo credit: Sarawak Public Communication Unit (UKAS)

By Ashley Sim

KUCHING, Feb 26: Sarawak Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg has disclosed that there is ongoing research on special blades to harvest wind-solar energy.

Abang Johari pointed out that the special blades are not necessarily similar to the propeller-like blade.


“You have to innovate and produce a certain blade made of a certain material so that a slight wind can turn the turbine. This one is under research.

“Whether the South China Sea is enough to turn the blade, but apparently, we work with Shell on their Timi Platform on hybrid—solar and wind. And it works. They generate their own power on that platform. When that happens, you scale it up and then produce another clean energy,” he said during his keynote speech at the Borneo Energy Transition Conference (BETC2024) today at a hotel.

The Premier continued to say that Sarawak has five clean energy sources, which is the State’s strength.

“In this era of transition, what is important now is technology. You have the source, but you need the technology to lower the production cost. In Sarawak, we believe it can be done. That is why the Sarawak government took a bold step to produce hydrogen,” he added.

At the Conference, Abang Johari witnessed the exchange of three landmark documents between SEDC Energy Sdn Bhd (SEDCE) and its partners.

The first was developing the Sarawak Hydrogen Hub between Gentari Hydrogen Sdn Bhd and SEDCE.

The second was a joint development agreement (JDA) between SEDCE with Samsung Engineering, Lotte Chemical and Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC) on developing the H2biscus Plant.

Meanwhile, the third was for the groundbreaking initiative between SEDCE and Sarawak Metro Sdn Bhd on developing the Rembus Hydrogen Plant to complement the Kuching Urban Transportation System (KUTS) project.

Amongst those present were Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Dr Sim Kui Hian; Deputy Minister of Energy and Environmental Sustainability Datuk Dr Hazland Abang Hipni; Deputy Minister for International Trade, Industry, and Investment Datuk Malcolm Mussen Lamoh; SEDC chairman Tan Sri Datuk Amar Abdul Aziz Husain; Petronas Group chief executive officer (CEO) Tengku Muhammad Taufik Tengku Aziz, Malaysian Rating Corporation Berhad (MARC) Group CEO Datuk Jamaludin Nasir, and SEDCE CEO Robert Hardin. — DayakDaily
