Political stability ala ‘acuan Sarawak’ to achieve high income economy — Abg Jo

Abang Johari delivering his speech at the event.

By Peter Sibon

KUCHING, Oct 19: Sarawak must continue to have political stability ala ‘acuan Sarawak’ (Sarawak mould) in order to achieve high income economy by 2030, said Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg.

The state government will continue to focus on developing Sarawak’s rich resources via four strategic sectors under the coming 12th Malaysia Plan, he added.


“Political stability is important for us. The state government will develop Sarawak based on the Sarawak mould, that is ‘acuan’ Sarawak. That’s why under the coming 12MP, Sarawak will not follow Putrajaya’s policy 100 per cent.

“We have our won policy,” he said when launching the book entitled “Sarawak Time Honoured Brand Collection Series, An Everlasting Glory” here, last night.

“Of course, we will take back the eroded rights including our role in gas industry produced by Sarawak.

“Bear with me, the state government will pursue this and of course it will give benefit to Sarawak’s private sector and when we can inject investment. The benefit will be the private sector.”

Abang Johari said the four strategic sectors Sarawak will develop under the 12MP will be modern agriculture through the ‘Internet of things (IoT), tourism and services including wellness sector, infrastructure such as roads, water and electricity supplies, and human resource development towards industrial revolution 4.0.

The chief minister added that to succeed, the business community must adopt to change in order to remain relevant.

“We must adopt to the current environment in order for us to remain competitive and enabling our role in the market place,” he said.

To leapfrog to modern economy, Sarawak has no choice but to collaborate with China’s hi-tech giant Huawei to develop its 5G telecommunication technology.

“We are working together with Huawei, we don’t care about their problem with the United States because we are a small country. We just work Huawei and it is working with the Centre of Technical Excellence Sarawak (CENTEXS) in giving training to our young generation.

“At the same time, we are also collaborating with international tertiary institutions such as Curtin and Swinburne universities to train our young people for international syllabus and the necessary international exposure of doing things.

“I’m sure with the right move through the four sectors that I have mentioned, we will be able to achieve high income economy by 2030,” he said.

He reiterated that in order to succeed and achieve a high-income economy, Sarawakians must be well-trained in all these sectors.

The chief minister also assured the Chinese community that he will continue his predecessor’s policy of accepting Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) holders into the State public sector.

“When the late (Pehin Sri) Adenan (Satem) recognised UEC, I continue with that recognition by the state government and that becomes an incentive for young Bumiputera students to study in Chinese schools,” he said, adding that in many Chinese schools, the Bumiputera students made up 70 per cent of its population.

He highlighted the fact that the deep understanding among races in Sarawak was a plus factor that must be nurtured so that its people will be able to work together towards achieving the goal of an advanced economy.

Meanwhile Media Chinese International Limited executive director Tiong Choon said the event was organised in conjunction with Sin Chew’s 90th anniversary, where 81 local established brands were awarded.

Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, SUPP president Datuk Seri Dr Sim Kui Hian were present. — DayakDaily
