Pol Sec: DAP, PSB in conspiracy to take on Gabungan Parti Sarawak

Charles Nissom

KUCHING, Nov 18: Words and deeds of both Malaya-based Democratic Action Party (DAP) and local-based opposition – Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) have proven that they are indeed having a secret pack to take on the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS), said a political secretary to the Chief Minister, Charles Nissom.

“Denying is easy but the real intent is always there and could surface any moment. But if their common stance in opposing the Amendment Bill to Section 16 of the State Constitution during the last DUN (State Legislative Assembly) sitting were anything to go by, that implies they share common aspirations.

“Their deeds and actions are testimonies to that. Seeing is believing after all. Birds of the same feathers flock together, as the saying goes,” said Charles in a statement issued here today.


Charles claimed that both DAP and PSB knew where their strength and common enemies are.

“In fact, PSB and DAP are both keen on urban voters believing it’s their common ‘likes’ and that warrants their pact,” he said.

He also claimed that PSB’s all-around hoo-ha in the rural areas is a mere disguise and camouflage to attract the Dayaks.

“In fact, it’s doubtful if they have a real heart to serve the rural Dayaks as seen in Bawang Assan,” he said.

Charles was commenting on PSB president and Bawang Assan assemblyman Datuk Seri Wong Soon Koh’s recent statement denying that there is no intended secret pact between his party and DAP.

On PSB, Charles claimed that it only painted itself as a rural-centric knowing that, the party could not commit to developing the rural areas.

“So, there is no good reason why the rural voters should get excited over them,” said Charles.

He also warned that the real losers will be the rural Dayaks if they choose PSB as the intrigues within the party will further segment the community.

On the other hand, Charles said, GPS is the best platform for the rural it is rural-centric while not neglecting the urban or semi-urban areas.

“For that reason, GPS has no formal ties either with PN, UMNO or PAS except only fighting for Sarawak interests,” he added. – DayakDaily
