Political pundit: Education, skills key to escaping poverty

Dato Peter Minos (file pic)

KUCHING, Feb 24: Good education and skills are one sure way of removing poverty in a nation, says political pundit Dato Peter Minos.

Drawing on China’s example, Minos highlights the country’s success in lifting over 300 million people out of poverty over three decades, starting from 1975.

He attributes this achievement to effective policies and strategies that have propelled China into prosperity.


“We can do the same if the political will is there,” he said in a statement today.

Minos also echoes the sentiments expressed by Perak King Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah during the opening ceremony of the Perak Legislative Assembly (DUN) sitting, where the latter emphasised that the presence of skyscrapers does not alleviate poverty and suffering among the people.

According to Minos, while skyscrapers may offer impressive views, they do little to address the plight of the poor.

“Many of us went through poverty in the early years of the 1950s and 1960s, and we know how it was.

“There was an absolute lack of nutrition, very poor housing, struggle for education and so many problems and obstacles in life.

“As such, the government has a duty of care, to help the poor to get out of the poverty trap, to raise their incomes. To give the people education. To create job and business opportunities,” he added. — DayakDaily
