Political parties not exempt from SOPs during coming election, warns police chief

Datuk Aidi Ismail

SIBU, Nov 11: Political parties contesting in the coming 12th Sarawak Election have been told to adhere to the standard operating procedures (SOP) as the police will not treat any parties differently in regard to SOP violations.

State Commissioner of Police, Datuk Aidi Ismail in emphasising this at a press conference after witnessing the handing over of duty between ACP Stanely Jonathan Ringgit and his deputy, Supt Collin Babat today warned that no party could escape if they were caught violating the election SOPs.

“Of course we will be fair to all parties. We will not treat any party differently as action will be taken against anyone violating the SOP,” he said.


He added that though the tight SOPs which includes no physical campaigning would make their security enforcement work much easier, they would be up to their task.

“The SOP which will be issued by the EC is to ensure that the coronavirus will not spread during the election. This SOP might make the work of the force much easier in monitoring the election. But we hope the people and the candidates will follow it,” he said.

Though the EC has yet to come out with the SOP,s he expected that it would not be much different than the one for the Melaka state election.

On election hotspot areas, he said in the State there was none.

“We don’t have such hotspot areas in Sarawak. There were a few incidents before of quarreling among supporters from different political parties. We have taken precautions against that and they were not that serious,” he said.

During the ceremony, outgoing Sibu district police chief ACP Stanley Jonathan Ringgit who is retiring tomorrow handed over duty to his deputy, Supt Collin Babat.

Collin is to serve as the acting Sibu OCPD until Bukit Aman identifies a new person to fill post. — DayakDaily
