Political analyst predicts political stability, clean govt for Malaysia in 2023

Dato Peter Minos

KUCHING, Sept 23: Predicting that 2023 will be a watershed year for Malaysia, a local political pundit holds the view that it will be a good year with political stability and a clean government.

Dato Peter Minos supported his prediction with firstly, the anticipation of two serious national pains—the 1MDB scandal and Covid-19 pandemic—waning and disappearing.

He believed that whether the 15th General Election will be held this year or next, the ghost of the 1MDB scandal will go away, “almost like the dying away of Covid-19, and the sufferings it brought to Malaysians”.


Secondly, Minos who is also the Kota Samarahan Municipal Council chairman, was very confident that the upcoming GE15 will see the emergence of new and responsible leaders who are not plagued by any scandal.

“The GE15 will surely see some national leaders emerging, those not haunted by scandals and those who will spend more time and energy in cleaning things up in Malaysia and simultaneously developing and improving it, socially and economically,” said Minos in a statement today.

He also believed that national politics in 2023 will be defined by compromises because no political party can or will be too powerful or dominant, which he saw as a more-than-welcome outcome.

“When a political party is too dominant and too powerful, it has that tendency of being domineering, even arrogant.”

On the judiciary, Minos opined it will regain the public’s confidence, following the stance of the Chief Justice of the Federal Court in the SRC International Sdn Bhd case that nobody in Malaysia is above the law and that those who transgress will do so at their own eventual peril.

“2023 will be a watershed year because it will bring, at long last, some internal peace and harmony to Malaysians, in that politicians will behave and steer away from corruptive tendencies. The religious and racial extremists will tone down and go slow for fear of the laws.

“There will be national calmness and peace, as well as able and clean national government and leaders.

“Leaders are what we Malaysians badly need. I predict that these will start to come about in 2023,” said Minos. — DayakDaily
