Police arrest 8 suspects for splashing red paint on loan shark debtors’ homes

The suspects are believed to have splashed red paint on the houses belonging to debtors.

KUCHING, Feb 7: A total of eight suspects, including two women, were arrested in connection with a case of harassment by a money lender (ah long) since early January.

According to Kuching district police chief ACP Ahsmon Bajah, all of the suspects were aged between 19 and 47.

He said the suspects were said to have splashed paint on the victims’ houses around uching district.


“With the arrest of all the suspects, we believe we have successfully solved five cases investigated under Section 427 of the Penal Code which provides for a prison sentence of up to two years or with a fine or both,” he said in a statement yesterday (Feb 6).

A Proton Saga car, a mobile phone, a paint can, and a knife were also seized.

“Two of the suspects tested positive for amphetamine-type drugs and have eight previous criminal records for various criminal offences and also drug abuse offences,” Ahsmon added.

Police welcome information from the public in relation to any criminal activity.

Information can be directed to any nearby police station. — DayakDaily
