PM: No election and parliament, DUN will not sit throughout emergency period

Ballot box. — file pic. // Photo: Pixabay

KUCHING, Jan 12: General Election, State Election and by-elections will not be held during the emergency period which has been declared until Aug 1.

However, the emergency order could be lifted at an earlier date if the number of daily Covid-19 cases is brought under control and lowered effectively.

Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, in announcing this when addressing the nation today also informed that Parliament and State Legislative Assembly (DUN) will not sit until a time to be announced by the Yang di-Pertua Agong.


“In normal situations, by-elections must be held in 60 days after the seat has been declared vacant. The State Elections too must be called within 60 days after the DUN has been dissolved.

“However, as we know, the people currently do not want the election to be held to prevent the Covid-19 epidemic from spreading like what happened after the Sabah State Election,” he explained.

To ensure that the implementation of the emergency period is done fairly and transparently, Muhyiddin revealed that an Independent Special Committee will be established under an Ordinance to advise the King if a major emergency still occurs in the country to continue the emergency or to terminate it earlier than the due date.

While there were parties urging for elections to be held recently, Muhyiddin however emphasised that he has no intention to hold an election.

“The main thing that prevented me from advising His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to dissolve Parliament and pave way for the General Election is the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The decision not to hold elections during the Covid-19 pandemic is in line with one of the five principles of Maqasid Syariah which is to take care of life or ‘hifz al-nafs’.

“In this context, it is my duty as Head of Government to take care of the lives of the people by protecting my brothers and sisters from Covid-19 infection. This is the most important principle demanded by Islam,” he pointed out.

Muhyiddin thus gave firm commitment that the General Election will be held as soon as the Independent Special Committee that will be established concurred that the Covid-19 outbreak has been stabilised or fully contained and elections are safe to be called.

“When that time comes, it is up to the people to choose which government is qualified to govern this country and take care of the welfare of the people. This is my commitment which I will fulfill, God Willing,” he said.

“In this critical period when the country and people are threatened by a pandemic, it is very important for all politicians to set aside their differences and stand in solidarity with the people.

“When it is time to politic, then we can politic responsibly,” he said. — DayakDaily
