PKR disputes viral claim: Statement on non-Muslim Dayak TYT appointment not party’s stance

Abang Zulkifli Abang Engkeh

KUCHING, Jan 25: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) state leadership council (MPN) secretary Abang Zulkifli Abang Engkeh has clarified that the party has never had any political ties with Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) and has never issued a joint statement regarding the appointment of Sarawak Governor (TYT).

Abang Zulkifli explained that the statement which said that PKR and PBK unanimously supported the proposal that Sarawak appoint a TYT from the non-Muslim Dayak community, which was reshared on PBK’s Facebook Page on Jan 20 and went viral, is the personal opinion of PKR Hulu Rajang branch chairman Abun Sui Anyit and does not reflect the party’s stance.

“This type of issue has never been discussed in any party meeting, and PBK does not need to involve PKR in it.


“The community needs to be informed that so far we have never established political cooperation with PBK. Any personal relationship between party leadership is a personal right that should be respected,” he said in a statement issued today.

He went on to say that PKR will strictly adhere to the party’s constitution as well as the national constitution, and that every major issue involving the constitution and national policy will be discussed.

“Any big and sensitive issue, especially one that touches on the sentiments of the people, will still be decided by the state leadership council.

“Statements that use the party’s name without going through internal party discussions are outside the context of the party’s internal consensus and discipline,” Abang Zulkifli added. — DayakDaily
