PH Sarawak Youth ready to take on BN in GE14

Abdul Aziz (fifth left) receives membership application forms from a group of youths yesterday.

KUCHING, Feb 19: Disappointment over being let down by Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) is compelling Dayak youths to join Democratic Action Party (DAP), claimed an opposition youth leader today.

In a press statement, Sarawak DAP Socialist Youth (DAPSY) publicity secretary Abdul Aziz Isa, who is also special assistant to state Pakatan Harapan (PH) chairman Chong Chieng Jen, said he received more than 50 membership applications from Dayak youths in Stakan and Batu Kitang constituencies to join DAP yesterday.

He said the reason given for them to join DAP is because of SUPP’s failure to fight for Sarawak particularly the youths.


Abdul Aziz said PH Sarawak Youth is ready to face Barisan Nasional in Sarawak in the state.

“The high spirit shown by DAP Socialist Youth, PKR Youth and Amanah Youth indicates that we are ready to face GE14. We are confident that the work carried throughout the year, will ensure that PH will retain its six parliamentary seats namely Bandar Kuching, Stampin, Sarikei, Lanang, Sibu and Miri as well as capturing the other targeted four seats.

The basis for his statement is that SUPP has yet to fulfill promises made in the last state election, where the BN component party won seven seats (Batu Kitang, Batu Kawah, Simanggang, Repok, Meradong, Piasau and Senadin).

“SUPP reps are so busy cutting ribbons and attacking their main rival, UPP and DAP. Instead of playing their role to unite the Chinese community, they are splitting the Chinese by attacking both UPP (United People’s Party) and DAP with their venomous statements,” he claimed, adding that another reason is that SUPP reps always renegade on their promises.

“They promised that if they get elected, they will reclaim Sarawak autonomy as stipulated in the Malaysia Agreement 1963, demand 20 per cent oil royalty, and restore the status of Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners within Malaysia. It has been nearly two years ever since they got elected; how many U-turns have they made regarding these matters?”

Abdul Aziz said if he was nominated to stand in and elected in the coming general elections, he would use his capacity as an elected rep to table three motions in the form of private memberā€™s bill in Parliament.

“Firstly, to amend Article (1)(2) of the Federal Constitution to immediately restore the status of Sabah and Sawarak as equal partners. Secondly, to amend the Petroleum Development Act 1974 to force the federal government to give back 20 per cent oil royalty to Sarawak. And thirdly, to recognise the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) as equivalent to STPM and A-Level.

“Itā€™s not that hard for me to table these three private memberā€™s bills if I got elected to the Parliament. Itā€™s a matter of political willingness.

“When I conduct my weekly visits and walkabouts, I received many complaints from the public that many of the SUPP reps seem to have forgotten their duty as elected representatives, to the extent that the public has suggested the party change its name to ā€œSplitting and U-turn Peopleā€™s Partyā€ because they like to split the people and make U-turns.”

Abdul Aziz also took aim at SUPP reps and party leaders for attacking UPP instead of improving their services in their respective constituencies. He singled out the SUPP Public Complaint Bureau (SPCB) for failing to solve the issues on the ground.

“For example, many complaints has been made to the SPCB and the relevant authorities regarding the lack of development in Stutong Resettlement Scheme for the past 10 years despite the payment of the assessment rates by the house owners. However, SPCB failed to solve these public complaints.

“Although SUPP won both Batu Kawah and Batu Kitang constituencies, they failed to resolve big issues facing by the public. Therefore, I would like to state that I am prepared to become the next candidate against SUPP in this coming general election if I am given the mandate by the top leadership. However, the decision is up for the party leaders to decide my willingness and I am ready for it.

Sarawak DAP Socialist Youth (DAPSY) publicity secretary Abdul Aziz Isa, who is also special assistant for state Pakatan Harapan chairman Chong Chieng Jen
