Petrol stations, factories can operate as usual, convenience stores to close after 10pm from Aug 1

Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, July 30: Petrol stations and factories in Kuching, Samarahan and Serian under Zone 1 which is categorised as Covid-19 yellow and red zones are allowed to operate as usual on Aug 1 onwards.

State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) chairman Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas said that only petrol stations and factories will not need to follow the restricted business operating hours order of operating between 6am and 10pm, which kicks off on Aug 1.


“If they operate for 24 hours (per day) before, they are allowed to do so.

“However the operators who are running their businesses of factories for 24 hours must informed SDMC before hand, not to seek permission but so we have a record,” he told a press conference to give Covid-19 updates here today.

Except for petrol stations and factories, Uggah reiterated that the operating hours for all businesses including 24-hour convenience stores will be limited to between 6am and 10pm.

“The reason to shorten the business hours is so that enforcement can be carried out actively and effectively and social distancing can be observed.

“This is also because we observed that there are places like eateries at which can be hard to practise social distancing,” he said.

When asked about the consequences of people caught roaming around after 10pm, he replied: “If you go out after 10pm to buy petrol you will not be arrested. But don’t lah ‘merayau-rayau’ (roam around). I don’t think you want to roam around for no reason.”

On groups intending to go for night cycling which could stretch beyond 10pm, he advised: “Please don’t cycle out after 10pm. We are not in a normal situation (yet) so let’s sacrifice one way or another.”

Uggah emphasised that the situation in Sarawak has not returned to normal yet so the public should always be vigilant and not let their guard down.

“We must act in the new norm, especially observing social distancing. The measures imposed are not to give you problems but we hope the Covid-19 curve can be flattened and problems can be resolved and we can go on with our life,” he added. — DayakDaily
