Petra Jaya MP: Programmes being planned to develop youth, provide networking opportunities

Fadillah presenting a Hari Raya donation to a child from Pusat Jagaan Nur Murni.

KUCHING, April 29: Programmes are being developed to help Petra Jaya youth develop their skills, provide networking opportunities, and understand how the government works, said Petra Jaya MP Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof.

“The development of youth, especially in the Petra Jaya area, is important to ensure future leaders are equipped with the proper knowledge and skills.

“That is why I, along with members from the Petra Jaya service centre, are working on programmes to involve the youth.


“We aim to produce a society that can contribute to the development of Sarawak, as well as our community and family, so that we can be a peaceful and prosperous State,” said the Works Minister in his speech while attending Iftar Jamaie NexGen Petra Jaya 2022 held at Dewan Hikmah in Petra Jaya, yesterday (April 28).

Meanwhile, after attending Maghrib prayer with guests, Fadillah also presented Hari Raya donations to 19 orphans between the ages of four to six from Pusat Jagaan Nur Murni.

Also present during the programme were 56 Nexgen Petra Jaya youth and 20 students from Madrasah Darul Uloom Islamiyyah. — DayakDaily
