Penguang Manggil fulfils his promise to Marudi folk

Penguang inspecting the Miri-Marudi Road which has been tar-sealed.

By Lian Cheng

KUCHING, Jan 6: Marudi assemblyman Datu Penguang Manggil told DayakDaily on August 21 last year that if everything goes well, travel between Marudi and Miri will be one smooth ride come 2022.

For this to happen, he had said, two things would happen by the end of 2018 — the Miri-Marudi gravel road would be tar-sealed and a tender for the proposed Marudi Bridge would be called.


The Assistant Minister of Local Government has indeed delivered what he had promised on both counts.

When contacted today, he said the Miri-Marudi road has been tar-sealed even though it was initially scheduled for completion in March this year.

“The contractor has been able to expedite it and complete it ahead of time,” he said.

The 43km road was initially a logging road, but it was upgraded to a ‘Jiwa Murni’ road that was gravelled only.

As it is the only road linking Marudi to Miri, it was much used by the 30,000-strong residents of Marudi despite its notorious condition during the raining season.

The project to tar-seal Miri-Marudi Road has been completed ahead of schedule.

Over the years, there had been much outcry for the road to be upgraded. Thus, its completion is expected to ease connectivity for Marudi folk, especially when they use the road at night.

“It is an honour to serve and a joy to deliver,” said Penguang when asked to comment on the completion of the road.

On the proposed Marudi Bridge project, he said the tender for it had been closed, and it was now pending evaluation.

“Once the evaluation is done, the Letter of Award will be issued. And once the Letter of Award is issued, the contractor can carry out the project.

“I believe it will be soon,” he said. — DayakDaily
