PBK: Tun M should not be re-nominated since he resigned his post

Voon Lee Shan

KUCHING, Feb 26: It is against political morality for Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who resigned as prime minister on Feb 24, to allow his name to be nominated to the King as the next choice for Prime Minister of Malaysia.

In a press statement today, Parti Bumi Kenyalang Voon Lee Shan said Dr Mahathir should publicly declare that his name should not be proposed by any party to the King for nomination.

“If a leader has resigned from his political office, he should leave his office immediately and should not allow himself to be re-nominated to hold the same political office.


“In developed countries, it is difficult to find a prime minister who has resigned to have himself re-nominated to the same political office and this practice should be followed by Malaysia.

“It came as a surprise that political parties in Pakatan Harapan, especially DAP (Democratic Action Party) and PKR (Parti Keadilan Rakyat), had wanted Tun Dr Mahathir to stay.”

Voon pointed out that when Dr Mahathir was the 4th prime minister of Malaysia, DAP had been very vocal against him and his political regime.

“DAP had accused Tun Dr Mahathir of many political mistakes which DAP alleged had caused economic social and political instability in Malaysia,” Voon said.

He said the return of Dr Mahathir as prime minister under the Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition had created controversial political instability in Malaysia.

“DAP should take this opportunity not to support Tun Dr Mahathir to continue as prime minister anymore.

“GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) should not also be seen supporting and working with UMNO (United Malays National Organisation) and PAS (Parti Islam Se-Malaysia) in order to ensure Tun Dr. Mahathir has the numbers to stay back as Prime Minister.

“This is because UMNO and PAS’ policies and political ambitions can disrupt social and political harmony in Sarawak,” said Voon.

He said after the 14th General Election, the intense politicking in PH had caused Sarawak to be neglected by the federal government in many aspects which included failure to provide adequate funds to develop Sarawak.

“We have seen that the Pan Borneo Highway project has slowed down, dilapidated schools have not been repaired and the economy has not been vibrant. The people of Sarawak are suffering as business is slow,” said Voon.—DayakDaily
